Living Green Initiative Green tourism hotel

 Living Green

 As a Hotel and as a Company, we promote Sustainable Tourism and our Green initiative is at the forefront of everything we do.

This is also linked to our social well-being of our team and guests. We have long term plans to ensure we keep on track and this is driven by all.


We ensure to create a culture within our team by reducing consumption, improving energy efficiency.

The team helps us maintain this culture by doing the small things such as lights being turned off, air conditioning reduced and on timers, and all desktop computers switched off when not in use.


We supervise by reducing our water consumption where possible within the hotel, with particular emphasis on identifying and implementing innovative solutions.

We have temp cards asking our guests to reduce their water waste as well as training for our own team in ways we can do this internally. We manage the flow of water and temperature and this also helps reduce water use as well as cost.


Reduce our waste production within the hotel. Educate our team on how best to handle and segregate them responsibly, store and dispose of all hazardous waste, and reduce food waste.

We offer different recycling bins in the kitchen, back offices, and in public areas.

Green Tourism Gold Award

Clayton Hotel City of London is delighted to participate in The Green Tourism Business Scheme which promotes greener ways for businesses and organisations to operate.

Our recent Green Tourism Gold Award recognises our commitment to becoming more sustainable.The award is acknowledged worldwide as an indicator of good environmentally-friendly practice, and is a great way of progressing on a green journey as well as acting as a hallmark of ‘green quality’.

Animal Welfare

We have an annual membership to the WWF which helps support animal and planet welfare.

We use the regular newsletters to update our team and guest to what’s happening and show what great things this organisation are doing to help reduce the Human impact on the world.

The Future

At Clayton Hotel City of London, we are committed to continuing our efforts in reducing our environmental impact. If you have any recommendations or would like to know more please contact us.


minus 1 night-plus 1 night+